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25 January, 2023

Built by Nature Names Three New Frontrunners

Built by Nature Names Three New Frontrunners

Accelerating the timber building transformation

Built by Nature is pleased to welcome three new companies -- Oslotre, Cromwell Property Group and AUAR -- to our growing and influential Frontrunner network.

The following Frontrunners help shape the vision and activities of the Built by Nature network with their commitment to connect with other industry leaders from across Europe, contributing to sector-shaping coalitions and sharing market-leading know-how; enable innovation and change through activities and accelerator initiatives that build the knowledge, innovation, city-scale projects and advocacy required, and amplify success stories, case studies and knowledge while being profiled as leaders in the timber building transformation:


Oslotre, which translates into Oslo-timber, is a vision-driven architecture and timber design office specialising in industrialised and modern timber buildings. 

For more than 12 years, Oslotre’s interdisciplinary team of architects, engineers and carpenters has designed, produced, and assembled timber buildings – championing timber as the key material choice for a greener and more sustainable building industry. The practice prides itself on piloting and driving innovation while developing and showcasing timber as a financially viable and competitive building material for the future.

Oslotre also works actively to promote the biophilic qualities of timber and its benefits for the mental and physical wellbeing of occupants and residents. The company believes that the transition to a timber-based building industry offers not only mitigation against climate change but, as importantly, the  potential for healthier buildings and people.  

Cromwell Property Group

Cromwell Property Group (ASX:CMW) (Cromwell) is a real estate investor and fund manager with operations on three continents and a global investor base. The Group is included in the S&P/ASX 200. As at 30 June 2022, Cromwell had total assets under management of €7.9 billion across Australia, New Zealand and Europe. In Europe, Cromwell manages €3.9 billion of real estate assets across a variety of funds and mandates, encompassing over 155 assets and 1,600 tenants. Cromwell’s strength lies in its real estate expertise drawn from 223 people in 15 local offices across 11 European countries.


AUAR (pronounced ‘our’) is revolutionising house building through automation, providing the world's first robotically assembled dwellings. The company offers a different vision for the built environment, where automation is not centralised into large factories, but empowers local ecosystems of communities, contractors, architects and developers to build better through a micro-factory approach. AUAR’s homes are based on circular design principles and meet Passivhaus standards, while making efficient use of materials and radically reducing CO2 emissions across the supply chain.

AUAR has developed technologies for local, low-entry, asset-light, automated manufacturing based on timber building blocks made of Glulam and CLT, which can be assembled in 45 seconds by off-the-shelf robots. With proprietary design software, endless variations for houses can be adapted to local sites. The company’s manufacturing approach seeks to radically reduce the barriers to adopt automation and makes timber prefabrication and modular construction available to SME’s (representing 99% of the building industry in the EU and North America).

AUAR is currently delivering its first single family homes through its manufacturing partners in the UK and the EU while developing a multi-family typology for housing up to six storeys, and always looking to expand its network with new partners and stakeholders. AUAR was selected by the British Government as one of 12 best green tech innovators in 2021.

Tackling the global climate crisis means implementing transformative solutions to decarbonise our built environment. Built by Nature’s Frontrunners — developers, designers, investors, insurers and asset owners recognised as industry leaders in sustainability and timber construction — are helping to drive this transformation through research, innovation, advocacy, demonstration and city-scale projects. They exhibit an entrepreneurial mindset that embraces cross-industry collaboration to deploy collective solutions for our planetary and societal wellbeing.  

We welcome all our new Frontrunners to the Built by Nature network as we continue to build a Pan-European movement towards accelerating the adoption of sustainable timber within the built environment.