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Strategies and demonstrator for moisture management in wood construction

A study and testing of moisture management in mass timber buildings through a two-storey living lab demonstrator installation.

Peder Fynholm

Vice Director

The Danish Technological Institute (DTI) and partners are carrying out research on moisture management for timber buildings through a 2-storey office and living lab demonstrator project, with a focus on connecting the insights directly with local insurers and developers. Moisture management has been identified as one of the main barriers to timber construction in Denmark and across Europe.

The project includes an analysis of best practices in moisture management, a how-to guide on the issue, and a demonstrator on DTI’s campus. The team will work closely with the Byggeskadefonden, a non-governmental body with the legal mandate to monitor and advise on construction risk and quality nationally. Byggeskadefonden will contribute their data on moisture damage from existing buildings to the research and will help shape it to ensure that the insights gathered respond directly to market needs. The team will then collaborate with the city of Copenhagen to produce a guide for design, construction and use, as well as a quality assurance system for moisture in timber buildings, which will be demonstrated from design to demolition by the demonstrator. The project also includes the dissemination of insights through a series of workshops with the Danish Construction Network, the 7 Build in Wood Early Adopter Cities, and Byggeskadefonden. Research findings are also disseminated through Build in Wood's moisture performance group.